Overcoming COVID-19 in Ghana through Making More Health and Cowtribe initiatives

Imagine you are a farmer, relying on your animals – cows, goats, and other herd animals – for your subsistence and that of your family. The money you earn brings food on the table and puts your children through school. But one day, markets start closing down, at a moment’s notice. Where there was bustling commerce, now silence reigns – and you have now place to trade or sell your products. When the market is open, fewer customers come. Other families are also losing income. They can’t afford to buy meat and other products from you anymore. The basis of your existence is slipping away. 

And then one of your animals falls sick. Parasites are the cause, as they are so often. You’re worried – the infected animal can spread disease to humans, too. Other animals in your herd follow suit. But you just don’t have the money to buy medicine. Your funds are drained, despite the hard work you put in every day and the diligent care with which you tend to your herd. 

This is what is happening to countless smallholder farmers in Ghana. Jan-Cassen Kraus and Moses Arokoyo from Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health took on this challenge and started the joint initiative with Boehringer Ingelheim and Cowtribe to step in to help. 

Overcoming the crisis together

"We're excited to bring lifesaving ruminant parasiticides to farming communities suffering from the effects of COVID-19. What we do protects farmers from accessing substandard or fake products, as they often live in areas where there is little access to reliable veterinary care,” explains Alima Bawah, co-founder of Cowtribe. “Especially now, as the pandemic is threatening livelihoods, this is vital.”

Our own Fabio Paganini, Region Head of Asia, Latin America, Middle East, and Africa adds: “This initiative is very important to us. We are making an important contribution towards improving the lives of both humans and animals – a One Health approach that is completely in line with our company values.”

Short-term help, long-term effect

Tiago Teixeira, Business Segment Head Ruminant & Veterinary Public Health in the region Middle East, Turkey, and Africa has helped ensure that the products arrived safely in Ghana after having shipped from our office in Dubai. To him, one point is crucial: “The project may offer short-term relief, but by helping farmers mitigate the loss of animals in this crisis, we are enabling them to strive for future success. Once the situation stabilizes, they can pick up where they left off. This is what I think is most meaningful about the COVID-19 relief program in Ghana.” 

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