Fact & Figures Boehringer Ingelheim RCV

Facts and figures speak a clear language. Only economic success enables us to implement our corporate vision. It is an important indicator of whether our strategies and ideas are also accepted by our partners and society.

Boehringer Ingelheim Regional Center Vienna (RCV)

Facts and Figures RCV 

   in million EUR   2023      2022      2021   
Prescription Medicine1.183,21.127,5987,1
Animal Health200,2187,7166,1
Total turnover (3rd parties)1.383,41.315,21.153,2
Operational performance*)2.620,22.244,11.796,8
Sales Revenue **)2.4462.067,81.752,7
Number of Employees4.6864.8344.728


*) Operating performance of Boehringer Ingelheim RCV GmbH & Co KG includes net sales, operating sales, and inventory changes. It also contains sales from affiliated companies, including the sales from biopharmaceutical business in Vienna.
**) Sales of Boehringer Ingelheim RCV GmbH & Co KG also include sales to affiliated companies, including revenues from the Vienna Biopharmaceuticals business.

Facts and Figures Austria 

in million EUR   2023      2022      2021   
Prescription Medicine121,4119,7116,2
Number of Employees in Austria3.2473.0882.839


Other Regional Center Vienna (RCV) facts:

  • Business responsibility for 33 countries
  • Boehringer Ingelheim worldwide cancer center since 2000
  • Long-standing main sponsor of the Vienna Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP)

Other Group facts:​

  • Sales revenue 2023: 25,6 billion EUR
  • Products sold in 130 countries
  • More than 53,500 employees
  • Annual research investment of around 5,2 billion EUR