
423 Result(s)
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Heart Diseases in humans and animals

Heart Diseases in humans and animals

Humans and animals are more alike than different. Having a heart disease can affect us similarly, and the way to prevent it can work for all as well.
Yanina Donatini

Yanina Donatini

Yanina Donatini, Head of ITM&S Content Production at Boehringer Ingelheim speaks about her 20 years in the company as innovative and diverse.
Mental Health and the Value of Connection

Mental Health and the Value of Connection

Yammie and Jurgen share their story of friendship, and how much they value connection as people living with mental health conditions.
Knowing the enemy: PRRS and PCVD

Knowing the enemy: PRRS and PCVD

The swine industry is constantly vigilant of viruses such as PRRS and PCV2 (PCVD). Learn about prevention, symptoms knowledge, and control measures to make a difference.
How fast can a cheetah run wild and free?

How fast can a cheetah run wild and free?

Cheetahs’ top speed can reach up to 120km/h. But habitat loss, illegal wildlife trade and hunting made these impressive animals critically endangered.
Candice is moving to Germany

Candice is moving to Germany

Are you considering a career at Boehringer Ingelheim? Find out why Candice loves working here. For more talent insights, visit our Careers Page.