
438 Result(s)
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Looking behind the scenes of Afrika Kommt!

Looking behind the scenes of Afrika Kommt!

Looking behind the scenes of Afrika Kommt! with Sabine and Eunice. I in D&I audio interview with reflections on a program designed to build bridges.
Fight against COVID-19 pandemic

Fight against COVID-19 pandemic

Press release on Boehringer Ingelheim's half-year figures 2020. Business development from January to June 2020.
Phase 3 studies survodutide obesity and overweight

Phase 3 studies survodutide obesity and overweight

Phase 3 studies to investigate survodutide for people living with obesity and overweight, with and without diabetes, cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney disease


Boehringer Ingelheim and Zealand Pharma announced Phase 2 trials of the GLP-1/glucagon dual agonist BI 456906 for adults living with obesity or NASH.
Heart Diseases in humans and animals

Heart Diseases in humans and animals

Humans and animals are more alike than different. Having a heart disease can affect us similarly, and the way to prevent it can work for all as well.