
768 Result(s)
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Why cancer care is personal for us

Why cancer care is personal for us

At Boehringer Ingelheim, we have made a generational commitment to transforming cancer care, with the ultimate goal of curing a range of cancers.
The METAmorphosis

The METAmorphosis

At Boehringer Ingelheim’s META offices in the Middle East, Turkey and Africa all offices in the region are already free of single-use plastic.
History of Cats

History of Cats

From the African wildcat to the domesticated house cat of today, the fascinating journey and history of the cat touches almost all corners of the world.
Nurjanahs Story

Nurjanahs Story

Nurjanah went from a sporty young woman to someone who no longer had the energy to do simple, everyday tasks. She was diagnosed with scleroderma.


For the management of chronic kidney disease and hypertension in cats.
Rabisin® / Imrab®

Rabisin® / Imrab®

Rabisin® is used for the active immunisation of dogs and cats to reduce mortality and clinical signs due to rabies infection.
Day and night: veterinary clinic for pet care

Day and night: veterinary clinic for pet care

Our primary focus is supporting our vets to care for our animal friends, providing on-time medicines when needed. Learn how we do this in our daily lives.