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Winners of 2020 BVDzero Case Awards

Winners of 2020 BVDzero Case Awards

Winners of 2020 BVDzero Case Awards announced. 10 top clinical cases will receive a total prize of 15,000 euros.
Vaccine prevent calf diarrhea

Vaccine prevent calf diarrhea

Fencovis® is the first vaccine to prevent calf diarrhea caused by E. coli F5 and bovine rotavirus and reduce severity of calf diarrhea caused by bovine coronavirus
Boehringer Ingelheim attends WVPAC 2019

Boehringer Ingelheim attends WVPAC 2019

Boehringer Ingelheim attends and showcases its leading vaccines and services at 21st World Veterinary Poultry Association Congress