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How BI Supports Grass Roots Innovation

How BI Supports Grass Roots Innovation

Hear from life-science entrepreneurs about how we are supporting early-stage science through our innovative Grass Roots program.
Innovation from within

Innovation from within

Justine Rochon and Marc Weimer talk about the transformation of Biostatistics and Data Sciences (BDS) into a modern organisation in drug development.
Innovation in medicinal chemistry

Innovation in medicinal chemistry

Darryl McConnell, Research Site Head, Austria and Jürgen Mack, Medicinal Chemistry, explain how we are working to unlock unsolved diseases
Building blocks of our future

Building blocks of our future

Our global investment projects are the building blocks for improved healthcare and sustainability
Innovating for our business

Innovating for our business

We drive innovation across our complex business landscape at Boehringer Ingelheim. Technology is an integral part of our core business processes and we focus on advanced technologies.
BIVF funding more than doubled to 250 M€

BIVF funding more than doubled to 250 M€

Boehringer Ingelheim increases funding for its corporate venture fund, the Boehringer Ingelheim Venture Fund (BIVF), from EUR 100 to 250 million
commitments to sustainable development

commitments to sustainable development

On One Health Day, Boehringer Ingelheim shares an update on its strategic approach to sustainability for employees, partners and wider communities


Boehringer Ingelheim recognises the contribution made in the decade since the RE-LY® trial publication by patients, HCPs and researchers