Rare Diseases: Rare but not alone

300 million people worldwide live with rare diseases, awaiting treatments that meet their medical needs. Boehringer Ingelheim is committed to listen and learn from these patients to deliver breakthrough therapies and transform lives.

Contrary to what one might expect at first glance, rare diseases altogether are not really rare. Approximately 4% of the total world population is affected by a rare disease, representing one of the largest patient communities. People with rare diseases share unique but similar stories; share common thoughts, fears and emotions. And they are surrounded by friends and families, doctors, and care givers, supporting them to find the best medical treatment to improve and transform their lives.

At Boehringer Ingelheim, we are aiming to make significant contributions to diseases which have so far not been satisfactorily treated. We work hard to find the best possible solutions also for patients suffering from rare diseases including pulmonary fibrosis, rare skin disorders and rare cancers. But we do not stop investigating: our research and develop programs are focused on the next wave of breakthrough treatments for diseases with high unmet medical need. 

To continuously provide more health to patients in need, we listen to our patients, actively engage with them, and constantly learn from them. We team up with patient organizations and institutions to constantly improve access to health services and care, support networks and patient platforms to accelerate exchange.

Carinne Brouillon
Carinne Brouillon, Member of the BMD:

“We remain steadfast in our commitment to developing and delivering life changing innovation to those in need, better and faster. I strongly believe that this can only be achieved if we all continue to work in close collaboration with the patient community, their loved ones and the many physicians doing their best to provide care to those living with a rare disease.” 

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