COVID-19: Mexico - The value of teamwork

‘The spirit of goodwill is contagious’

In a time of uncertainty, change and a great need for help, Fabiola Villegas, Boehirnger Ingelheim Medical Representative contributed with creativity and ingenuity from her region in Uruapan, Michoacán, Mexico.

Due to her professional responsibilities, Fabiola has contact with medical personnel in hospitals in her area, which allows her to gain specific insights into the situation and needs in the context of the coronavirus pandemic.

‘Some doctors I’m in contact with told me that they were dealing with the shortage of material and the high costs of it, so I decided to support the Uruapan Regional Hospital that was designated for the care of patients with COVID-19.' said Fabiola. She started a collection of cash and supplies that culminated in the delivery of masks, gloves, antibacterial gel and disposable protective gear for approximately 80 members of the institution.


Mexico - The value of teamwork

These protective materials were delivered to the emergency room, internal medicine and pediatrics’ personnel working on evening and night shifts, who were very grateful for the contribution, emphasizing that normally donations have been made during daytime hours so, until that time, they had not received support.

For Fabiola, the biggest obstacles to face were the excessive increase in prices due to high general demand as well as the short time available to carry out the collection. Pulling together the help of her family, friends and colleagues, she managed to raise sufficient funds and supplies. Of particular help was also the teamwork and exchange with Sonia Angulo, Medical Representative in Culiacán, Sinaloa, whose experiences helped Fabiola Villegas very much to acquire more materials.

‘I received special support from my colleague Sonia Angulo, who with her experience helped me get more supplies, which highlights the networking used by both. The spirit of goodwill is contagious and becomes very positive regardless of the level at which it is replicated. Once the delivery culminates, you have the satisfaction of having transformed an idea into an action and of knowing that you supported the people who face the disease on a daily basis.’ Fabiola shared. ‘We all need someone and it is in moments like these we must rely upon each other even more.’