Alexander Gunter

Yo elijo Boehringer Ingelheim

Conoce de cerca la vida con nosotros en Boehringer Ingelheim con Alexander Guntur.

Alexander Guntur

Tecnologías de la Información

Hi, I'm Alex. I'm the Information Protection and Security officer for this region. I've been working in Boehringer Ingelheim for 14 years. Growing my career here has been fulfilling. I'm based in Singapore and I really enjoy working here. Apart from the central locations, the office itself is a very conducive place to work and collaborate. Of course, great people to work with as well. Boehringer Ingelheim gives you empowerment and trust to accomplish your work and to develop yourself. If you're looking for a company that has a great culture and takes care of employees' well-being, this is a company that checks all the boxes. The best thing about working here is that at the end of the day, your job is not only about yourself or the company, but much more bigger than that because we are improving the lives of people and animals all over the world. In short, a career here is fulfilling because Boehringer Ingelheim cares about its people and creating a better world today and for future generations.

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