Andreas Lenk

Yo elijo Boehringer Ingelheim  

Conoce en profundidad cómo es trabajar día a día en Boehringer Ingelheim con Andreas Lenk.  

Andreas Lenk

Legal y Compliance

Andreas Lenk (00:07)

I'm Head of Legal and Compliance Germany, and I support our German human pharma and animal health business in all legal and compliance matters.

Andreas Lenk (00:18)

In the legal department, we are business partners. We support and enable our colleagues in the business functions in what they do, bringing innovative therapies to patients. We support our research and development activities. We enable strategic transaction projects, fight product piracy, and we protect our intellectual property.

Andreas Lenk (00:39)

Boehringer Ingelheim has a very strong company culture that nurtures diversity and an open and supportive environment. Everyone is empowered, everyone is valued and invited to bring their ideas to the table. This makes for a very attractive working environment and fosters innovation.

Andreas Lenk (00:59)

I enjoy most the close collaboration we have with our business partners, working in projects closely together with them and feeling appreciated and valued. Not being only the lawyer, giving legal advice from the sidelines, but being part of the team, and it's also leading a team of highly dedicated and highly skilled professionals, helping them in their personal and professional development and seeing them succeed.

Andreas Lenk (01:24)

What drives me and gives me energy working in an industry that is aimed at improving human and animal health and work very closely together in a very trusted partnership.

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