S4.E1. 創新都是為你
價值故事屋 第四季全目錄
S4.E1. 創新都是為你|S4.E2. 造浪者與他們的產地|S4.E3. 造浪者與其重要的藥物成就|S4.E4. 解鎖癌症,從癡人說夢到全面網羅|S4.E5. 從一到百,IPF 藥物的無限可能|S4.E6. 叛逆、生病,傻傻分不清楚?|S4.E7. 大糖眼疫|S4.E8. 全面啟動:基因工程|S4.E9. 人與動物同樣面臨呼吸問題|S4. E11. 百靈佳殷格翰的人類處方用藥研發歷程|S4.E12. 34歲高顏值獸醫師 坐擁六項幹細胞培養技術專利|S4. E13. 動物預防醫學再進化|S4. E14. 你不能不知道的人才全球化|S4. E15. 集合吧!創新森友會|S4. E16. 百靈佳殷格翰獲得東京都廳「彈性通勤促進獎」、總務省「前百遠距工作先鋒獎」|S4. E17. 無國界健康聯盟
透過創新而展現價值(Value Through Innovation)是百靈佳殷格翰的企業精神,當我們詢問台灣總經理 邱建誌「創新為什麼如此重要?」時,他這麼說:
Why innovation is so important to us
We want to improve human and animal health; this is what drives us. In pursuit of this goal, Boehringer Ingelheim has worked to develop innovative medications and therapies for patients for over 130 years.
Innovators are a valuable resource to our company, since they make our success with products and innovations possible. We foster a diverse, collaborative and open environment that attracts people who are leaders in their fields, and we create conditions for successful work.
We conduct research with a focus on areas of unmet medical needs. Every day, our scientists chart new territory, continuing our commitment to innovation that has created exceptional medicines that have already changed the lives of millions of patients. Our curiosity, creativity, and passion for science lead us to take the paths scientifically less traveled and give us the courage to deal with setbacks as we pursue our search for the next breakthrough that will transform the lives of patients now and in generations to come.
We choose to embrace the power of partnership and diversity of minds across the life-science community to realize even more scientific opportunities. By working together, we can learn more, do more, and achieve more. Together we can – and will – accelerate the delivery of the next first-in-class therapies to patients in need.
Patients matter. Science matters. Urgency matters. The more than 51,000 employees of Boehringer Ingelheim are success-oriented and approach their work with integrity. Our goal is clear: to provide more health and improve the lives of both humans and animals.