S4.E14. 你不能不知道的人才全球化




Takuma Katayama博士
擁有兩次外派至德國比伯拉赫(Biberach)的經驗;全球發展計劃(Global Mobility Program)是影響他職涯發展的重要關鍵。


離開舒適圈 前往一個沒有拉麵的地方生活

在接下來的日子裡,德國施瓦本(Swabian)的麵疙瘩(spätzle)將會取代拉麵,成為Takuma Kayatama的主食。Kayatama擁有化學博士學位,原本在日本神戶率領藥物研發團隊工作,現在,是他在比伯拉赫(Biberach)德國工廠擔任研發團隊的項目經理的第三年。2019年1月時,Katayama帶著他的妻子跟女兒搬到德國,當時他們正在準備迎接第二個孩子的誕生。



位於德國殷格翰的全球發展計畫總部,擔任分發、部署百靈佳殷格翰位於世界各地菁英員工的重要角色。2019年,約有120名同仁為了業務拓展,進行了為期六個月的海外工作;除此之外,約有400名同仁在海外派駐了更長的時間。全球發展菁英中心主管Annette Späth表示,在這項計畫進行期間「完全沒有人被忽略」;公司不只協助同仁打理商務旅行的基本事項,也協助搬家、簽證以及稅務等問題,並且幫助同仁的子女們尋找適合的好學校。






Ingeborg Jost博士



Ingeborg Jost博士正在體驗海外駐點的生活。她暫離位於比伯拉赫的木頭小屋,如今居住在西班牙巴賽隆納以北的聖庫加特.德爾巴列斯(Sant Cugat)。在德國時,她負責帶領比伯拉赫的實驗室製造吸入性產品。現在,她負責西班牙新成立的Respimat®舒沛噴生產部門的質量控管。Jost說:「聖庫加特.德爾巴列斯的生產基地如今已經開始建設一條專門量產吸入性產品的生產線。」由於過去開發Respimat®舒沛噴的經驗,她是提供西班牙團隊支持的最佳人選,能為新生產心中訂定品質控管的標準。 



位於西班牙聖庫加特.德爾巴列斯(Sant Cugat)的生產中心新成立了一條新的吸入性產品生產線。









MMH健康擴展計畫(The Making More Health,簡稱MMH)致力於改善全球健康。MMH建立社會與企業的業務連結關係,加快社會企業解決議題的速度。



Miguel Neiva是參與MMH計畫的其中一位社會企業家。他開發了將顏色轉換為符號的代碼,數百萬色障者的日常生活因此變得輕鬆。色彩代碼可以運用在學校教材、紡織品、大眾交通工具上,大部分的色障者都能辨識;在醫療保健領域也能運用,像是:藥品的外觀顏色時常與藥劑的使用方法、順序有關,將色彩代碼運用於藥物和藥品包裝,可以防止因為閱讀不良而導致的失常、錯誤。



MMH計畫為管理發展創造了「在地管理人才培育計畫(Executives in Residence)」。與為於發展中國家的社會企業一起進行創意腦力激盪,思考改善當地健康情況的行動方案。在地管理人才培育計畫負責人Verena Metzler解釋說:「我們藉由與在地的管理人員對話,陪伴他們,一起發掘新的觀點以及工作方法,藉此開發他們的潛力。」  

Innovative spirit meets experiece abroad

The Global Mobility Program sends employees packing: Researchers and managers temporarily leave their usual workplaces so they can share knowledge with other teams and drive innovation. When they return from their assignment abroad, they bring valuable new perspectives back with them.


For the next period of time, Swabian “spätzle” noodles will frequently take the place of traditional Japanese ramen in Takuma Katayama’s diet. Katayama, who holds a PhD in chemistry, actually works in Kobe, Japan, where he leads a team in the area of medication development. Now he will spend three years as the project manager of research and development teams at the German location in Biberach. In January 2019, Katayama relocated to Germany with his little daughter and his wife, who was then expecting their second child.

Though it was a real adventure for the young family, it wasn’t a step into the unknown for the Katayamas: “We were looking forward to seeing our friends and colleagues here again,” says the chemist. Starting back in 2011, he had already spent three years as a scientific assistant in Biberach. “The first time I came here, my main priority was gaining a better understanding of the development team’s processes in Biberach,” Katayama recalls. The objective of his time overseas was to bring the technical collaboration of the teams even closer together.

After returning to Japan, Katayama took on a role in the global research and development team. “As next step, it made sense for me to return to Biberach and work there as the head of several research and development projects. So, I could get to know my colleagues and understand the superordinate team structure.” When Katayama goes back to Kobe again in 2021, it will be his job to see that the German­Japanese development teams are even more effectively integrated for optimal collaboration.

Already during his first stay in Biberach, Katayama knew he could count on the support from the Global Mobility Program during his time abroad. From its headquarters in Ingelheim, the Global Mobility Team acts as a Center of Excellence for the international deployment of employees. In 2019, about 120 employees changed their places of work for up to six months as part of an “extended business trip”. In addition, approximately 400 employees were sent abroad for a longer period of time. “No one is left to rely on themselves,” explains Annette Späth, Head of the Global Mobility Center of Excellence. Among other things, the company takes care of the move as well as visa and tax questions, and helps find good schools for its employees’ children.


“We were looking forward to seeing our friends and colleagues here again.” — DR . TAKUMA KATAYAMA



The Global Mobility Program is currently undergoing a transformative phase. “We want global mobility to become easier and more natural for employees,” says Späth. In the future, Boehringer Ingelheim will offer even more tailored deployment approaches to support the business, drive innovation and develop a global workforce. This is an important step in Boehringer Ingelheim’s development. In recent years, it has become increasingly clear that the family business has grown into a global player. “This is also changing everyday working life. Employees are collaborating with their international colleagues more than ever,” explains Späth.


“The change has been enriching for me, both professionally and culturally.” — DR. INGEBORG JOST


Dr. Ingeborg Jost is currently having this experience. She traded the timbered houses of Biberach for Sant Cugat, a Catalan city north of Barcelona. In Germany, she led a laboratory team for inhalation products in Biberach. Now she is responsible for the quality control at the new respimat® production unit in Spain. “The production site in Sant Cugat has started construction on a new line for inhalation products as well,” Jost explains. With her experience from the development of the respimat®, she can provide the Spanish team with optimal support in setting up quality control for the new production unit.

Because Jost will work with the team in Spain for two years, she moved there with her family. Her two daughters attend a local German school. “The change has been enriching for me, both professionally and culturally,” says Jost. She quickly realized, for example, that agility is particularly in focus in the Spanish teams. “I certainly expect to bring back a few ideas and experiences that could also help our team in Germany.”



The Making More Health (MMH) initiative is committed to improving healthcare worldwide. MMH builds social and business collaborations and accelerates social entrepreneurial solutions.

Miguel Neiva is one of those social entrepreneurs. He developed a code that turns colors into symbols to simplify the daily lives of millions of color­blind people. The code is used, for example, for school materials, textiles, or public transport to ensure the adoption by a large section of the color­blind public. Another field of application is the healthcare sector: The code finds use on drug and pharmaceutical packaging that are usually color-coded to guide procedures. Neiva’s development helps to prevent errors caused by poor reading.



Making More Health has created an innovative program for the management development, called “Executives in Residence”. It gives talented managers an opportunity to break out of traditional ways of thinking. Participants work on innovative ideas for improving local health with social startups in developing countries. “We want to spark the managers’ pioneering potential by confronting them with new perspectives and working methods on­site in these countries,” explains Verena Metzler, Head of the “Executives in Residence” program.


