Clinical trial data disclosure

What we believe in

The free exchange of scientific information is the basis for innovation in medicine, especially the exchange of scientific results from human, interventional, and non-interventional clinical studies. As a research-driven pharmaceutical company, Boehringer Ingelheim supports this principle by seeking publication of the scientific results from all our studies in peer reviewed journals and at scientific meetings, regardless of study outcome.


What we do

Boehringer Ingelheim publicly registers all sponsored clinical studies and discloses the results. Furthermore, to benefit patients, public health, and to foster scientific discovery, Boehringer Ingelheim is committed to responsible sharing of clinical study reports (CSRs), related clinical documents, and patient-level clinical study data after drug approval or after termination of the drug development program.

These transparency commitments apply to studies initiated after 1 January 1998.


NP-GB-104871     August 2024