Giving Back to Those Who Serve Our Country

Martin Bischoff
Martin Bischoff

Meet Martin Bischoff – one of our health systems business specialists. He volunteers with the New Jersey Employer’s Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR). This organization helps companies support employees who are reservists and guardsmen. Martin offers educational support so that employers understand service obligations. He also assists citizen soldiers before and after their time of service.

We asked Martin a few questions about his interest in volunteering and what encourages him to give back. Here’s what he shared.

Why do you volunteer?

I am a retired U.S. Army officer who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Although I’m no longer on active duty, volunteering with ESGR allows me to continue to do my part to serve my country. Also, I’ve been fortunate in so many ways throughout my life that volunteering gives me a chance to do something to help those in need.

Can you share a memorable experience from your time volunteering?

Nothing is more rewarding than seeing the enthusiasm and dedication of our young troops, even when they are preparing for a year-long deployment in a combat zone. When I volunteer, I help prepare them before they leave and then follow up with them again when they return. Their commitment to our Armed Forces and the United States is inspiring. I can think of nothing more that motivates me than to be a part of their journey.

Does your volunteer work connect with your role at Boehringer Ingelheim?

I really like that Boehringer Ingelheim puts an emphasis on giving back and helping patients. This culture resonates with me at work and in my personal life. My drive to volunteer is often inspired by Winston Churchill’s words: “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.” I look forward to continuing my role and volunteer efforts to make a difference in my community and the lives of the many men and women who serve our country.