
Schizophrenia affects approximately 24 million people worldwide and is characterized by three symptom domains: positive and negative symptoms and cognitive symptoms. Positive symptoms, which include hallucinations and delusions, are most widely known and may be treated with established antipsychotics. Negative symptoms, such as reduced emotion, lack of motivation, and cognitive symptoms that affect problem-solving, attention, and memory, also significantly impact people’s lives. Yet, there are no approved pharmacological options for negative and cognitive symptoms.

A collage of four images, each a different person looking directly at the camera

Schizophrenia in real life: Stories of challenges, resilience and hope

Discover real stories of people breaking down the stigma of living with a serious mental illness

Mental Health and the Value of Connection
Mental Health and the Value of Connection

Mental Health and the Value of Connection

Yammie and Jurgen share their story of friendship, and how much they value connection as people living with mental health conditions.
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