One global learning platform for languages, countless opportunities to grow your career

Imagine sitting in a cozy German restaurant, surrounded by the aroma of delicious soups, as you eagerly wait to taste the local flavors. This is where our Italian colleague Lorenzo Tofani found himself, excited to dive into both the culinary and linguistic aspects of German culture. 

Lorenzo, Laboratory Specialist at Boehringer Ingelheim in Italy, embarked on a language journey to learn German, fueled by his passion for food and a desire to make the most of an exciting project at our German headquarters. Little did he know that he would soon become the opposite of a 'Suppenkasper' – a German saying for someone who doesn't like to eat, especially not soup – as he embraced the challenge of learning a new language and savoring the flavors of Germany.

To be able to fully immerse himself into this adventure, one thing was especially clear for him from the start: “If I want to make the most of the opportunity to be involved in an exciting project at our German headquarters, then I need to speak the local language”. That’s why Lorenzo decided to learn German despite the language's reputation for being difficult.

From self-determined learning over individual lessons to training on the job 

Finally, Lorenzo agreed with his team lead to sign up for the Global Language Academy of Boehringer Ingelheim, a program offered in collaboration with goFluent, a leading provider of language learning solutions. This is our global language learning platform with extensive and free self-learning opportunities. “I started learning German independently using the goFluent app. After learning the basics, I took one-on-one lessons with a teacher, which you can also book through the platform,” he explains.

The opportunity to practice speaking German during his lessons before his time in Germany eased Lorenzo's biggest concerns about going abroad: “It was a challenge for me to start speaking. I was worried about doing something wrong, especially with grammar and cases. But my teacher encouraged me to keep speaking German despite my mistakes. And she's right, of course – that's the only way to learn. But since I wanted to make my professional contribution to our joint project in Germany right away, I was glad that I could practice my language skills already beforehand.”

Growing professionally through language immersion and job rotation

Equipped with his new language skills, Lorenzo left his Italian hometown Bergamo in September last year for a six-month assignment in Ingelheim, working on a project with our tech team responsible for production support. “Taking part in a project abroad allowed me to grow professionally, as I had the opportunity to work with a team that I wouldn't have been part of under usual circumstances. This unique experience truly expanded my horizons and skillset,” he recalls. 

Lorenzo and the German tech team responsible for production support..

Of course, Lorenzo also took the chance to practice his German in everyday situations, like visiting supermarkets and local restaurants. He was particularly looking forward to one thing: “Stereotypical Italian, I love to eat. Regarding German cuisine, I've heard that soups, in particular, are supposed to be really delicious,” he says with a big smile. “And being here, I found out that they are as delicious as I hoped.”

Cultivating a culture of learning: building connections and overcoming language barriers

Naturally, Lorenzo also faced language challenges during his time in Germany, such as navigating bureaucracy and communicating with native German colleagues who cannot speak English. However, his determination and language skills helped him overcome these obstacles and build meaningful connections. “My German colleagues were very helpful, and we communicated with gestures when my German wasn't enough. I even met a German colleague learning Italian. Now we speak frequently and help each other practice our languages,” he shares. 


Lorenzo and his team in our headquarter in Ingelheim, Germany.

The time spent in Germany, along with the language course, proved beneficial not only during Lorenzo's stay there but also upon his return to Bergamo, Italy. This experience has fostered stronger connections with his German colleagues, leading to more effective knowledge sharing in their work. Additionally, Lorenzo can now read and comprehend documents exclusively in German, such as descriptions of laboratory activities conducted by his German colleagues.

A global community of language learners for employee growth

Since its launch in summer 2022, the Global Language Academy has attracted over 13,000 colleagues who have registered for language courses, investing more than 42,000 hours in developing their language skills. With a 91 percent recommendation rate, it's clear that the Global Language Academy is making a significant impact on our employees' personal and professional growth. The top languages learned include English, German, Spanish, French, and Italian.

A world of opportunities awaits you at our global company

Inspired by Lorenzo's story? If you want to expand your horizons and benefit from our numerous development opportunities, join our diverse team at Boehringer Ingelheim. Explore our career page today to discover job opportunities that match your skills and passions and embark on our journey to transform lives for generations.

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