Fabio Paganini fostering inclusion and agility in Animal health, ALAMEA region

At Boehringer Ingelheim, Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) is embedded in Our FOCUS. We believe that D&I is a key driver for customer understanding, innovation and employer attractiveness. Thus vital for business growth.

In the second episode of the I in D & I audio series, our interviewer, Jochen Werner speaks with Fabio Paganini, Region Head, Animal Health, Asia, Latin America, Middle East and Africa (ALAMEA). Through dialogue, they explore how D & I has been a key driver for our guest at an individual, a team and business level.

Listen to the audio recordings below:

Part 1

Part 1: “We are not very rigid. We have very fast pacing market environments. We need to be agile, to adapt quickly.” 

In the first part of the discussion, Fabio discusses about how he works with his teams and how he is leveraging Diversity & Inclusion in the ALAMEA region to achieve business growth. Listen to part 1 to learn more.

Part 2

Part 2: “I feel a sense of accomplishment when I can help farming communities and farm families to improve their livelihoods …. and I can achieve that through my work” .

In part 2 of the discussion, Fabio talks about his diverse background; the experiences that have shaped his values and his professional journey. Find out more by listening to part 2.

Part 3

Part 3: “And then you ask yourself if I prefer this, I am giving a space to the opposite because I need the opposite. The opposite thought, the opposite experience, the opposite background”.

Fabio ends the audio interview by explaining his learnings on unconscious bias and building the best teams through inclusive leadership. Find out more by listening to part 3.

Full Audio Interview

Here you can listen the full audio interview.


About I in D&I Audio interview 

The I in D&I audio interview is part of an inclusion series that uses dialogue to explore how individuals are personally contributing to an inclusive culture at Boehringer Ingelheim. We all have a part to play. 

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