The Nagoya Protocol

At Boehringer Ingelheim, environmental consciousness and protection are priorities in everything we do. The establishment of sustainable principles, conservation of natural resources and promotion of environmental awareness are paramount considerations in all our activities. These values form the foundation of our commitment to the principles and objectives of the Nagoya Protocol.  


The Nagoya Protocol is an international instrument under the Convention on Biological Diversity and corresponds to its third objective: contributing to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity through the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the utilization of Genetic Resources and associated Traditional Knowledge. To advance fair and equitable benefit sharing, the Nagoya Protocol also addresses the importance of obtaining authorized access to Genetic Resources and transfer of relevant technologies.  The intent behind the Nagoya Protocol also includes providing a framework that creates greater certainty and transparency for both providers and users of Genetic Resources. 

This video provides further information about the Nagoya Protocol and Boehringer Ingelheim’s approach towards supporting the principles and objectives embodied in it.

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