
1366 Result(s)
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Outside the lab…inside the family

Outside the lab…inside the family

We are a manufacturing and a research company too. Outside of the lab, we have engineers, legal teams, logistics managers, QA/QC teams and more.
Avian influenza prevention at the source

Avian influenza prevention at the source

Teshome Mebatsion, Head of Viral Diseases Research at Boehringer Ingelheim, talks about the avian influenza virus, ways of prevention and scenarios for the future.
Our goal of transforming the treatment of neuroendocrine carcinomas

Our goal of transforming the treatment of neuroendocrine carcinomas

Our progress in developing a potential DLL3 targeted immunotherapy for neuroendocrine carcinomas (NECs), including small cell lung cancer (SCLC), large cell NEC of the lung (LCNEC-L) and extrapulmonary NEC (epNEC).