Tips to help you start your patient advocacy journey

Advocating for yourself as a patient can be daunting. Prof. Jeff Dunn, President of Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), shares some tips

Portrait of Jeff Dunn, President of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)

What are some ways I can advocate for myself? 

  • "Understand your disease. It’s easier to speak when you know what you’re going through. Understand your health, and then be prepared to engage with professionals around you for your own treatment options or professionals to bring about change."
  • "If you don’t understand the information you’ve been given, seek out a health professional who can explain it to you."
  • "Build a network. That can include family and friends. In some cases, there are things called inviting health movements where patients gather around a particular issue."
  • Connect with organizations or support groups who specialize in advocating for people with cancer – they may provide information and support.
  • "Speak with specialists. A general oncologist may not know of the latest innovative treatment."
  • "Never be afraid to seek a second opinion. Ask questions about your diagnosis and your treatment options."
  • Reach out to local health authorities or government representatives to voice any concerns about your diagnosis or treatment, clearly outlining your needs and interests.

What's patient advocacy?

Patient advocacy covers all activities aiming to uphold or support the needs and interests of patients, whether they’re performed by, or on behalf of, patients.

Click here to learn more about the importance of patient advocacy

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