LUX-Lung 7 & 8 Trials

Interview with Prof Thomas J. Lynch, MD
Director of Yale Cancer Center,
New Haven, USA

Q. What questions do the LUX-Lung 7 & 8 trials address?

A. LUX-Lung 7 and LUX-Lung 8 have the advantage of being a head-to-head comparison. A chance to look at these drugs compared to each other as opposed to compared to chemotherapy and this allows a more, a very direct, comparison between the drugs. And we'll know, are the side effect profiles different? Is the efficacy different? Is the quality of life different between the two drugs? And those are the factors that doctors use in choosing drugs. They want to know: is this going to make my patient live longer? Is this going to make my patient feel better? And we'll learn that from LUX-Lung 7 and LUX-Lung 8.