Living with Generalized Pustular Psoriasis (GPP), a rare autoinflammatory skin disease

Talking about GPP and sharing the personal experiences of those who live with the condition can help others to better understand it. Watch the videos below to learn more from Ray and Christine.

GPP Journey to Diagnosis

Christine shares her journey to receiving a GPP diagnosis and how it has taken her to a “new normal”.

GPP Experiencing a Flare

A GPP flare can be unpredictable and severe. Christine explains the varying nature of her flares and how they have affected her day-to-day life. 

GPP and Mental Health Burden

GPP can affect those living with the disease emotionally and socially. Christine highlights the mental health burden of the condition on her and her family. 

Living with GPP

Ray has lived with GPP for 33 years. Find out more about her symptoms, the impact on her daily life and the emotional and mental burden GPP places on her.

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