COVID-19: Taking the initiative in Mexico 

“Helping is my adrenaline”

Sonia Angulo, Medical Representative of Human Pharma in Mexico who, through her Let´s Help (Vamos a ayudar) initiative, has demonstrated her great sense of humanity and has become a hero for many health workers who are facing the COVID-19 pandemic.

From very early after the beginning of the pandemic, Sonia wanted to support the health personnel of her hometown, Culiacán, Sinaloa, with protective material. Because she  received from doctors and other health personnel. By reactivating the group Let’s Help, originally founded some years ago, Sonia started with fund raising and developed a prototype face mask. Once Boehringer Ingelheim kicked off the Global Volunteer Program, Sonia applied for ten days of paid leave to be able to increase her support.

“Those who contacted me assured that several areas of the health institutions did not have supplies to protect themselves. This added to the large number of stories and images that we read every day, moved me a lot and let me to take the initiative.”, commented Sonia, who, with the help of her family, kicked off making masks and setting up supply chains to make these materials available at more affordable prices.

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Through Let’s Help, Sonia began make her achievements more visible, which motivated other people to join and contribute through in-kind and economic donations. Hence it was possible to buy and deliver respirators, protective suits, surgical gowns, lenses and other material, as well as more sophisticated 3D printed masks as well as acrylic boxes for tubing (airbox). Several entrepreneurs also joined to increase aid.

“We have been able to create masks even for newborns and children. It has been a period of hard work, facing various obstacles such as the rise of prices for raw materials, scammers who robbed and stole, supply interruptions, shortage of services due to complete closure, and even disbelief of some people who were slow to realize the real situation, which hindered donations. But but we have been able to move forward and help!” she declared.


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With the support of her family, friends and even strangers, she has managed to support the staff of the Civil Hospital, ISSSTE, IMSS No. 1, 35, 36 and 46, the Integral Hospital of Navolato, the Hospital from Dorado, among many others. Sonia invites whoever wants to join because she firmly believes in The Power of Us and that the effort is worth it because, by protecting others, we protect ourselves. 

“People were grateful and encouraged me to continue helping, which makes me very happy, because helping is my adrenaline. I am very thankful for having so many blessings and for this gift of being able to contribute. I thank my family and, of course, Boehringer Ingelheim for the great support that gave me with the 10 days, because it allows me to strengthen my initiative.” she said.

“It is an honor to have collaborators like Sonia that help those who need it, that motivate to bring out that human side and focus efforts on what is truly worth. I extend great appreciation to her and I hope that, among all the news that will emerge in the next days, this one stands out most, because it offers hope and reveals a positive side amidst all the uncertainty.”, recognized Rubén León, National Sales Manager at Boehringer Ingelheim. “The company also wants to thank all collaborators like her who, despite adversity, have taken time to think of others, to be empathetic and supportive.”