COVID-19: Emotional support for physicians in Mexico

As part of the efforts to help different sectors, Boehringer Ingelheim México created the Emotional Containment Program for Health Care Professionals.

‘We know that strenuous situations such as a pandemic or a disaster push us to the limit and can hinder our day-to-day performance. Therefore, we decided to help physicians through providing them with emotional support, in line with our company vision to contribute to society and brings solutions to our customers.’ explained Orlando Carrasco, Value Added Service Manager at Boehringer Ingelheim México.

The initiative started on May 28th, 2020, offering physicians the possibility to schedule an appointment to receive remote emotional support from psychologists. Additionally, they will be able to consult the talk ‘Taking care of those who care for us’ available on demand from 8th of June 2020.

Topics addressed include self-assessment of the emotional state, tips and strategies for self-care, burn out syndrome, stress management and techniques to develop resilience.

'All physicians are potential candidates for the programme, especially those who have expressed their concern about the current and future situation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. We want to help them channel their emotions and overcome adversity but, above all, we want them to take care of their emotional, and therefore physical health, through positive and encouraging messages that allow them to see that they can overcome this crisis as they have overcome challenges in the past.’, mentioned the project leader Orlando.

Interested physicians may call the a support line to receive immediate attention or to schedule a single session depending on their needs. According to individual needs, the requests of the physicians and the psychologists’ assessment, there is the possibility of scheduling follow-up sessions in advance.

‘There are moments in life that are defined by the people who accompany us, and we want to accompany our customers and become a support for them, in an attempt to care for those who care for us.’ concluded Orlando.