Management Systems

The Supplier Code of Conduct

Suppliers shall use management systems to facilitate continual improvement and compliance with the expectations of these principles and with respect to all applicable legal requirements.

Commitment and Accountability

Suppliers shall demonstrate commitment to the concepts described in this document by allocating appropriate resources.

Legal and Customer Requirements

Suppliers shall identify and comply with applicable laws, regulations, guidelines, standards and relevant customer requirements, and address identified gaps in a responsible, timely and documented fashion.

Risk Assessment & Risk Management

Suppliers shall have mechanisms to assess and manage risks in all areas addressed by this document.


Suppliers shall maintain documentation necessary to demonstrate conformance with these expectations, and compliance with applicable regulations and guidelines. Boehringer Ingelheim may review this documentation upon mutual agreement.

Training and Competency

Suppliers shall have a training program that achieves an appropriate level of knowledge, skills and abilities in management and workers to address these expectations as well as the applicable laws, regulations and generally recognized standards.

Boehringer Ingelheim requires identified suppliers to complete assigned training and/or certify on specific policies, procedures and compliance modules.

Suppliers who are not compliant with any training requirements may receive a notice of non-compliance. Such non-compliance may constitute a breach of this obligation and may affect the agreement and the supplier’s relationship with Boehringer Ingelheim, including the ability of Boehringer Ingelheim to conduct business in the future.

Business Continuity

Suppliers are responsible for the development and implementation of appropriate business continuity plans for operations supporting Boehringer Ingelheim business.

Continual Improvement

Suppliers are expected to continually improve by setting performance objectives, executing implementation plans and taking necessary corrective actions and preventive actions for deficiencies identified by internal and/or external assessments, inspections and management reviews.


Suppliers are expected to have effective systems to communicate the principles of this document to workers, contractors and suppliers.