A message from the Country Management Committee

Dear Colleagues,

Like many of you, we are struggling to find the words to express the horror, pain, and consternation regarding the tragic events that unfolded yesterday in Uvalde, TX. Coming so soon after the racially motivated shooting in Buffalo, NY our hearts, minds, and souls are hurting.

This is especially painful as we continue to heal from tragic events of the past: the anniversary of George Floyd’s murder; the shootings at Sandy Hook, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Columbine and too many others.

We won't offer empty platitudes. We recognize and understand the emotional impact these tragic events have on our employees, patients, partners, and customers. We are committed to supporting all of you, them and being there #foreachother. We also believe that change is possible and that it starts right here in our own communities. As a Company, we are committed to supporting you while working together to build a better and safer world for our children.

For many of us, it feels like we are struggling to breathe freely, shop safely with our families, send our children to school and be our authentic selves outside of the safety of our homes. This compels us to act and provide the resources you need for your mental health. We cannot reiterate enough how important your mental wellbeing is as we navigate how to cope, heal, and move forward.

Boehringer Ingelheim will always believe in a culture of safety and belonging and will not tolerate hatred, discriminatory behavior or acts of violence of any kind. As Upstanders, we must speak up, act in support of each other and take action…including for yourself and your mental health.

Please know that we hear and see you and are committed to helping. We understand there was an overwhelming response to the discussion groups that were introduced in Jamie Eden’s May 16th email, Taking Care of Your Mental Health immediately added new sessions to sign up for and have increased capacity. We will continue to monitor enrollment and offer additional sessions, if necessary, as well as work to develop and offer other programs that respond to your needs. 

We ask that you be an Upstander for yourself and #foreachother and consider taking action with some of our available resources provided below:

  • Join us for a special Courageous Conversation, TODAY at 4:00 pm ET hosted by Jean-Michel Boers, Carine Boustany, Jamie Eden, and Nancy Di Dia. During this 60-minute open forum, you will have the opportunity to engage in dialogue to explore perspectives, express emotions and learn from other’s experiences as we gain a better understanding of the realities we are facing today. It's important that we come together, and if you have previously scheduled meetings and can reschedule them, we encourage you to do so.
  • If you seek confidential support, we offer additional resources on a variety of topics, including emotional well-being, crisis and disaster, stress, trauma, suicide prevention and more. Please visit MyBI Next for contact information.
  • BI Cares Foundation Matching Gifts Program has created a giving campaign, “Wellbeing & Social Equity” which includes several organizations that support mental health & wellness and social awareness. By contributing, you help support the funding needed to carry out the missions of these organizations to address unmet needs in mental health and protect basic health and human rights for all.

As we head into the long, holiday weekend and close out mental health month, please take care of yourself, and take the time needed to recharge, reflect, reconnect with loved ones and most importantly, begin to heal.  

Warm Regards,




The Country Management Committee