A grandmother’s empathy offers a safe space for people with mental health conditions

We’re partnering with the Friendship Bench whose mission is to support communities around the world with talk therapy.

Giorgio with the Friendship Bench team. (credit: The Friendship Bench).
Giorgio with the Friendship Bench team. (credit: The Friendship Bench)

For some of us, a grandmother is someone who reminds us of home and teaches us about our history and culture. She’s someone we love and a person we can trust – no matter how old we are. They are a constant part of our families and communities.

This is what the Friendship Bench learned when they started working with grandmothers to provide mental healthcare in communities that don’t have access to traditional treatments. Through this program, grandmothers are trained to provide talk therapy close to home and in a setting where people can feel comfortable sharing their stories.

“The ‘grandmother’ concept is the gold standard for providing care,” said Dr. Dixon Chibanda, founder and CEO of the Friendship Bench. “They are amazing at conveying empathy, they are respected and understood, and they create a safe space to share what’s on your mind.”

Boehringer’s connection to the grandmothers

Participant and therapist from the Friendship Bench. (credit: The Friendship Bench).
Participant and therapist from the Friendship Bench. (credit: The Friendship Bench).

As the Friendship Bench began to grow, they partnered with organizations to help expand their reach and maintain the integrity of patient care. For example, our employee, Giorgio Gatti, who leads a global team in IT marketing and sales, is helping Dr. Dixon and HelpAge USA - Friendship Bench DC bring ‘Friendship Bench in a Box’ to the United States. A part of this accessible program is a digital portal that gives partners access to all the necessary training and materials, helping to enhance the community program.

Through our Making More Health program, Giorgio was matched with the Friendship Bench. He’s used his expertise to help the nonprofit manage their data and bring the program to the next level.

“I wanted to dedicate more of my time to ‘making more health’ and using my IT skills to do something good for somebody else,” said Giorgio. “It’s been a real pleasure to be a mentor and be a part of bringing mental healthcare into communities.”

More about the Friendship Bench

A patient speaking to a trained grandmother on the ‘friendship bench’. (credit: The Friendship Bench).
A patient speaking to a trained grandmother on the ‘friendship bench’. (credit: The Friendship Bench).

Through the Friendship Bench, Dr. Dixon and his colleagues have taken people out of depression using the resources in their communities. They are going beyond the standard way of thinking about mental health by helping people learn how to be comfortable with their feelings. Since its first grandmother, the Friendship Bench has provided care to more than 300,000 people in Zimbabwe, and now reaching many others around the world.

The success of this program is rooted in research. More than 100 peer reviews support its value. Dr. Dixon recently shared that “six months after receiving therapy from a grandmother – people are symptom free of suicidal thoughts. This is particularly important as statistics show that about every 40 seconds someone takes their own life.” This program is also good for grandmothers because it gives them a sense of purpose and reduces their own feelings of loneliness.

Sustainability and mental health

Giorgio and Dr. Dixon from the Friendship Bench.
Giorgio and Dr. Dixon from the Friendship Bench.

The mission of the Friendship Bench aligns with our company in two important ways. First, we’re also focused on evolving the mental health space. We’re going beyond traditional treatment options by taking a more holistic approach to care. Second, doing more for the health of people, animals, and communities is a main goal of our global sustainable development strategy. We’re committed to supporting incredible nonprofits, like the Friendship Bench, to help improve health around the world today and into the future.

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