Clinical Pharmacology

Boehringer Ingelheim is proud to offer a two-year fellowship within Clinical Pharmacology. The Fellow will develop clinical pharmacology strategy for the project under the supervision of the mentor and at the same time will be involved in fulfilling the duties of a trial clinical pharmacologist. Through interactions with the clinical pharmacology mentor and with members of trial and project teams, the fellow will gain a broad exposure to a wide range of opportunities available to a pharmacist in the pharmaceutical industry. Upon completion of the program, the Clinical Pharmacology Fellow will have developed and strengthened the skill sets needed to fully prepare pharmacy graduates for careers within the pharmaceutical industry.

  • Work under the mentorship of a senior clinical pharmacologist in various aspects of drug development from a clinical pharmacology perspective.
  • Develop a sound understanding and application of global regulatory guidance (FDA, EMA, PMDA, etc.) that are essential in designing drug development strategy and at the same time serve as a framework for drug development from clinical pharmacology perspective (e.g. understanding and applying the drug- drug interaction guidance to conceptualize the drug interaction risk of a new drug under development and subsequently design appropriate trials to elucidate the risk clinically).
  • Serve as a responsible clinical pharmacologist; design the clinical pharmacology aspects of the clinical trial protocol (trials in healthy volunteers/patients) as well as analyze and interpret clinical pharmacology results (food effect study, drug-drug interaction study, formulation bridging study, single rising dose study, etc.).
  • Undertake a review of literature to find solutions to scientific challenges /to design clinical trial/project strategies.
  • Present internally as well as externally (for instance, presentation at professional clinical pharmacology meetings) and coauthor scientific manuscripts depending on project needs.
  • Author clinical pharmacology sections of documents such as clinical trial protocols, clinical trial reports, investigator brochure, response to authority requests, etc.
  • This is a nonlaboratory-based position.

If interested in applying for this position, please apply here.