Fostering Scientific Excellence

Boehringer Ingelheim’s new postdoctoral program provides talented and ambitious scientists with the opportunity to pursue cutting-edge research with industry-leading colleagues. Participants will explore challenging areas of research and create the starting point for many new therapeutic concepts and technologies, paving the way for the discovery and development of breakthrough medicines that will make a difference to patients’ lives in the future.



Uniquely, at the end of their tenure, post-doc fellows moving to an academic institution will have the opportunity to apply for a transition grant so they can pursue their research in their own laboratory.

The program aims to attract highly motivated young fellows with a strong scientific background to fill open postdoctoral positions across Boehringer Ingelheim research sites and specialties. Candidates are also invited to proactively submit research proposals aligned with the stated scientific focus of each therapeutic area.

For more information and to apply visit


Discovery Research Global Post-Doc Program At-A-Glance

  • Three research sites: Biberach, Germany; Vienna Austria; Ridgefield, USA
  • Nine discovery research specialties: Cardiometabolic diseases, Cancer Immunology, Cancer Research, Central Nervous System diseases, Immune Modulation, Immunology & Respiratory diseases, Research Beyond Borders, Biotherapeutics Discovery, New Chemical Therapeutics research
  • Opportunity to perform cutting-edge science, be responsible for research projects and publish work
  • Fully-resourced and well-funded research environment
  • Sponsorship for attendance at scientific conferences
  • Mentoring, collaboration and peer program
  • Fellowships are for an initial period of three years with the potential for a one-year extension