Partnering in CardioMetabolic Diseases

“We have no entry criteria to partnering other than exploring an exciting scientific idea in our core indications and a commitment to collaboration. Our interest is in developing an enduring partnership. One in which both partners are contributing to the project’s success and where we are working together to advance the development of new therapies for patients.”

Science, trust, commitment, reliability. These are the factors that define the many partnerships in our CardioMetabolic diseases portfolio. We are working with the brightest and best scientific minds in cardiometabolic diseases to accelerate the delivery of breakthrough medicines to patients. From our global strategic alliance in diabetes with Eli Lilly and Company to innovative early discovery collaborations with partners such as Circuit Therapeutics and the Harvard Stem Cell Institute.

Our patient-centric research focus is at the heart of our partnering strategy. Our Collaboration with Dicerna Pharmaceuticals is investigating new therapeutic approaches that address previously inaccessible drug targets to protect and restore liver functionality in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and fibrotic liver disease. And we are working together with Gubra to develop treatments for obesity, which complements our phase 1 development programs with Zealand Pharma.

Around 30% of our cardiometabolic research portfolio is anchored in external collaborations, encompassing projects across the value chain, and we continue to grow our network of academic and biotechnology partners. We believe that by bringing together our collective expertise we can achieve greater success for patients.

Our Partnering Priorities

Liver diseases: Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, portal hypertension
Novel obesity treatments achieving weight loss > 10%
CV specialty care and type 2 diabetes: Breakthrough treatment options


cardiometabolic pipeline graphic