The FAST test – how to recognize the symptoms of a stroke

Recognize the symptoms of stroke and seek immediate medical help to improve outcomes.


If symptoms such as paralysis, speech disorder or loss of sensation arise, you should immediately call an ambulance. The following applies: the less time it takes to first treatment, the greater the chance of long-term therapy success.

  • Face
    Ask the person to smile. If one side of the face droops and the smile only appears on the other side of the face, facial paralysis is present.
  • Arms
    Ask the person to raise both arms. If the person suffers a stroke, one arm drifts downward or even cannot be raised.
  • Speech
    Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase. The person affected may not repeat the words correctly or may use slurred or even strange phrases.
  • Time
    If you observe any of these signs, call an ambulance immediately. Remember to note the time of the first symptoms and tell the doctor that you suspect a stroke. This is important information which can affect treatment decisions and therefore the person’s life. 

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