慢性阻塞性肺病與氣喘 COPD & Asthma
慢性阻塞性肺病 COPD
慢性阻塞性肺病(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,簡稱COPD)是為嚴重的漸進式肺病,可能限制肺部氣流進出。 截至2016年,全球有超過2.5億人受到COPD的影響,預測未來幾年這一數字將增加。儘管目前尚無根本性治愈方法,但通常可以透過每日使用吸入器治療,有效控制該疾病。COPD越早被檢測並開始治療,療效越佳。COPD管理的其中一個重要目標,是提升患者的生活能力,讓他們能喜歡並保有生活的活力。無論病症的嚴重程度為何,降低急性症狀的發生率以避免病情惡化,於此至關重要。
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a progressive, treatable disease characterised by limited airflow in and out of the lungs, making it difficult to breathe. In 2016, it affected more than 250 million people worldwide with numbers predicted to increase in the coming years. While there is no cure, the condition can be well managed, typically with daily inhaler therapy. The earlier COPD is detected and treatment is initiated, the better the results. Key goals of COPD management are to limit symptoms, reduce the risk of exacerbations (flare-ups where symptoms worsen) and support people to live more active lives.
氣喘 Asthma
Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways. Patients suffer from wheezing, breathlessness and coughing particularly at night or in the early hours of the morning. This can affect the patient’s physical, social and professional lives significantly. Asthma is often seen as an easy to manage condition but it is known that 1 in 2 asthma patients still have symptoms despite current treatment. An exacerbation of asthma, which is more commonly called an asthma attack, can be triggered by factors such as respiratory infections, environmental and atmospheric conditions.