
71 Result(s)
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Innovation in Oncology and Cancer Immunology Research

Innovation in Oncology and Cancer Immunology Research

We are taking a diligent and broad approach, creating a collaborative research network to tap into a diversity of minds, which is vital in addressing some of the most challenging, but potentially most impactful, areas of cancer research.
Our innovation strategy

Our innovation strategy

Our Innovation Strategy at Boehringer Ingelheim in Research and Development
Drug discovery Boehringer Ingelheim

Drug discovery Boehringer Ingelheim

Every day, scientists at Boehringer Ingelheim embark on a journey. It is a journey that can take up to 15 years and requires significant investment. Only a tiny proportion of these journeys are successful.
Biotherapeutics Discovery

Biotherapeutics Discovery

Our committed team of scientists are using all their experience and knowledge to forge new research paths, engineer new molecules and do whatever it takes to make sure that no patient is left behind in our search for the next breakthrough.
More Potential: Overview

More Potential: Overview

Society continues to face challenges ranging from health to education, work prospects, living conditions, inequalities and poverty, often impacting vulnerable communities the most.
Improving Access to Healthcare

Improving Access to Healthcare

According to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, nearly half of the world's population lacks access to basic health care.


We are convinced that diversity and exchange in science give birth to innovations. For this reason, partnerships are an important component of our innovation strategy.
Our Commitment

Our Commitment

Humanity faces great challenges. We believe that we can always do more - for ourselves and for future generations.