
731 Result(s)
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Health Equity: No distance is too far

Health Equity: No distance is too far

India is hosting the G20 summit. The leading theme of the G20 summit emphasizes health equity and sustainability as part of the agenda. How we provide access to healthcare for rural areas in India.
A Unique Bond: human and animal health

A Unique Bond: human and animal health

At Boehringer Ingelheim we are dedicated to animal and human health. We celebrate the truly unique bonds between people and their pets.
More health in vulnerable communities

More health in vulnerable communities

In an era of globalization and social connectivity, one-dimensional solutions often do not work anymore. Complex challenges need complex solutions.
Partnership WHO Foundation mental health

Partnership WHO Foundation mental health

Boehringer Ingelheim and WHO Foundation join forces to promote equitable access to healthcare and increase efforts for suicide prevention